Whether you are a paediatrician, clinician caring for adults, molecular biologist, geneticist, pharmacologist, microbiologist, vaccinologist, immunologist, practitioner of public health or an epidemiologist we are here to help. We are a Clinical Virology Laboratory offering a wide range of patient focused services. Our team of Biomedical Scientists and Clinical Virologists help manage patients with both a proactive and reactive service. Our quality standards are UKAS 15189 accredited.
Sheffield Virology Services was formally established in 2003 under the leadership of Professor G Kudesia. We have kept pace with the rapid evolution of diagnostic modalities and currently host the most modern analysers required to cater for our wide user requirements. From basic ‘card ASO titres’ to random access NAAT analysers, we’ve got them all. We perform both serological and molecular testing for most of the common viruses but can source services for those rather uncommon.
Our lab diagnostics are complimented by doctors who form the link between the end users and the lab. They provide verbal clinical interpretation and that on the report, trigger infection control interventions as required, help manage local hospital outbreaks, choose optimal syndromic tests and advise on how to manage a viral infection or exposure to a virus. We have strong links with our infection control team and occupational health department.
Our laboratories are hosted by Northern General Hospital in Sheffield and provide services to Sheffield Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust (Northern General, Royal Hallamshire , Weston Park and Charles Clifford Dental Hospital), Sheffield Childrens Hospital and regional services to Doncaster Royal Infirmary, University Hospitals Derby and Chesterfield Royal Hospitals. We also cover GP surgeries across Sheffield.
Phlebotomy services (to take blood samples) for adults are hosted by both Northern General (Brearley Outpatients) and Royal Hallamshire Hospitals (C-floor outpatients). Some local GPs have their own surgery-based arrangements. Sheffield Childrens Hospital hosts phlebotomy services for children.
Our Clinical Virology Services are led by a team of 5 FRCPath qualified Consultant Virologists with the help of 2 to 5 trainees. Our Biomedical Scientists are members of IBMS and fully trained in running diagnostic services.