
a. Resources

1. Human Astroviruses (Update check: 16/01/2023)



a. Resources



a. Resources


Epstein Barr Virus

a. Resources


Hepatitis B Virus (HBV)

a. Guidelines on HBV Management

b. HBV Vaccination and Immunoglobulin


Hepatitis C Virus (HCV)

a. Resources



a. General Information and Testing

b. Management

c. HIV in Pregnancy and Paediatrics

d. PrEP

e. HIV-2


HPV (Human Papilloma Virus)

a. Resources


HTLV (Human T-lymphotropic virus)

a. Resources


Herpes Simplex

a. Resources


Human Herpes Virus 6

a. Resources

1. Human Herpes Virus Type 6 (Update check: 20/01/2023)


Human Herpes Virus 7

a. Resources


Human Herpes Virus 8

a. Resources

1. Human Herpes Virus Type 8 (Update check: 20/01/2023)



a. Clinical Management

1. STH Infection Prevention and Control - Influenza Information (Update check: 16/01/2023)

See ‘standard respiratory virus section’ for algorithms for management in standard ward/ high risk area/ intermediate care/ community

2. Influenza Point of Care Test (POCT) Algorithm (Update check: 16/01/2023)

3. Rapid risk assessment: Influenza-associated invasive pulmonary aspergillosis (Update check: 16/01/2023)

b. Antiviral Treatment



a. Resources


Lyme Disease

a. Resources

1. NICE guideline [NG95] Lyme Disease (Update check: 16/01/2023)



a. Resources



a. Resources



a. Resources

1. Rotavirus Infection (Update check: 17/01/2023)

2. Rotavirus: the green book, chapter 27b (Update check: 17/01/2023) )



a. Resources



a. Resources



a. Resources


Pertussis Diagnosis Summary

a. Resources

1. Pertussis Diagnosis Summary (Update check: 17/01/2023)

2. Pertsussis - Best Practice (Update check: 20/01/2023)


Measles - Confirming Diagnosis

a. Resources

1. Measles: confirming diagnosis (Update check: 23/01/2023)

2. Measles - Best Practice (Update check: 20/01/2023)


Q Fever - A guide to diagnostic testing

a. Resources

1. Q Fever - a guide to diagnostic testing (Update check: 23/01/2023)

2. Q Fever - Best Practice (Update check: 20/01/2023)

3. ASM Journals - Q Fever (Update check: 20/01/2023)


Mycoplasma - A guide to diagnostic testing

a. Resources

1. Mycoplasma - a guide to diagnostic testing (Update check: 23/01/2023)

2. Mycoplasma - Best Practice (Update check: 20/01/2023)

3. ASM Journals - Mycoplasma (Update check: 20/01/2023)


Chlamydophila - Clinical information and diagnosis

a. Resources


Varicella Zoster Virus

a. Resources

Exposure Incidents

a. STH documents

b. Resources from Other Organisations

1. Expert Advisory Group on Aids (EAGA) guidance on HIV post-exposure prophylaxis

Updated guidance on occupational HIV post-exposure prophylaxis (PEP) from the UK Chief Medical Officers' Expert Advisory Group on AIDS (EAGA)

2. Change to recommended regimen for post-exposure prophylaxis (PEP) (EAGA) (Update check: 30/10/2019)

3. Updated recommendation for HIV post-exposure prophylaxis (PEP) following occupational exposure to a source with undetectable HIV viral load (EAGA) (Update check: 30/10/2019)

4. HIV post-exposure prophylaxis (DoH) (Update check: 30/10/2019)

5. UK Guideline for the use of HIV Post-Exposure Prophylaxis Following Sexual Exposure (PEPSE) 2015 (BASHH) (Update check: 30/10/2019)

6. Post-exposure prophylaxis guidelines for children and adolescents potentially exposed to HIV (Update check: 31/12/2019)

7. Bloodborne viruses: management risk in bomb blast victims (Update check: 30/10/2019)

Guidance on managing risk of bloodborne viruses (BBVs), such as hepatitis B, hepatitis C and HIV, in bomb blast victims  

8. BBVs in healthcare workers: health clearance and management (Update check: 30/10/2019)

Guidance for health clearance of healthcare workers (HCWs) and management of those infected with bloodborne viruses (BBVs) hepatitis B, hepatitis C and HIV


Pregnancy and Neonates

a. CMV

b. HSV

c. Neonatal Breast Milk Exposure – Infant Receiving Wrong Mother’s Breast Milk

d. Rash

1. Rash in pregnancy (Update check: 30/10/2019)

Investigation, diagnosis and management of viral rash illness, or exposure to viral rash illness in pregnancy

Post-Exposure Managements

a. Generic immunoglobulin advice

1. Immunoglobulin: when to use

PHE's immunoglobulin handbook - guidance on administering immunoglobulin to prevent serious disease

2. Rabies and immunoglobulin service (RIgS) (Update check: 30/10/2019)

3. General product information and how to administer immunoglobulin: Jul 2014 (Update check: 30/10/2019)

4. Guidance on the use of Diphtheria Anti-toxin: August 2018 (Update check: 30/10/2019)

5. Mumps and immunoglobulin: October 2008 (Update check: 30/10/2019)

6. Polio immunoglobulin: October 2008 (Update check: 30/10/2019)

7. Rabies: Human Rabies Immunoglobulin (HRIG) (Update check: 30/10/2019)

b. Hepatitis A Post Exposure Management

1. PHE Hepatitis A infection: prevention and control guidance (The symptoms, diagnosis, management and epidemiology of hepatitis A.)

2. Public health control and management of Hepatitis A: 2017 Guidelines (Update check: 30/10/2019)

3. Human Normal Immunoglobulin (HNIG) for Hepatitis A Post-Exposure (Update check: 30/10/2019)

4. Hepatitis A: the green book, chapter 17 (Update check: 30/10/2019)

c. Measles Post Exposure Management

1. STH Guidance on Measles Exposures (The symptoms, diagnosis, management and epidemiology of hepatitis A.)

2. PHE National Measles Guidelines (Update check: 30/10/2019)

How to manage cases of suspected measles: what patient details to take; who to notify; assessing risk of disease spreading in close contacts

3. PHE National Measles Guidelines (Update check: 30/10/2019)

4. Measles: post-exposure prophylaxis (Update check: 30/10/2019) (Guidance on the use of post exposure prophylaxis for measles in high risk groups)

d. Rabies Post Exposure Management

1. PHE Rabies vaccine update (Update check: 03/01/2020)

2. Rabies: risk assessment, post-exposure treatment, management (Update check: 03/01/2020)

Guidance on assessing risk following rabies exposure, post-exposure treatment, and public health management of a suspected rabies case in the UK

3. Guidelines on managing rabies post-exposure: October 2019 (Update check: 30/10/2019)

4. Summary of rabies risk assessment and post-exposure treatment (Update check: 30/10/2019)

5. Rabies risks in terrestrial animals by country (Update check: 30/10/2019)

6. PHE Request form for Rabies Post Exposure Treatment (Update check: 30/10/2019)

7. Rabies: administration of vaccine and immunoglobulin  (Update check: 30/10/2019)

8. Human rabies: public health management of a suspected case (Update check: 30/10/2019)

A standard operating procedure to help agencies communicate and act together, to manage any suspected case of human rabies

9. Milwaukee Protocol (Update check: 31/12/2019)

e. Herpes B Virus Post Exposure Management

f. Hepatitis B, HBV Vaccination and Immunoglobulin

g. Respiratory transmitted (e.g. MERS, Avian Influenza)

i. Relevant to all

1. STH Respiratory Transmitted High Consequence Infectious Diseases Policy (Update check: 30/10/2019)

2. Virus Isolation Reference Laboratory Work (VIVI009) (Update check: 30/10/2019)

ii. MERS Co-V 

1. Shortcut to Action card for sending MERS CoV samples (Update check: 30/10/2019)

2. Shortcut to Virologists’ Guide to Handling MERS samples (Update check: 30/10/2019) (see appendix 6)

3. Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus (MERS-CoV): clinical management and guidance

4. Investigation and public health management of people with possible Middle East Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus (MERS CoV) infection (PHE) (Update check: 30/10/2019)

5. Referral of samples for Testing for the Middle East Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus (MERS-CoV) in England (PHE) (Update check: 30/10/2019)

6. MERS-CoV Close Contact Algorithm (PHE) (Update check: 30/10/2019)

7. PHE risk assessment of MERS-CoV (Update check: 30/10/2019)

8. Treatment of MERS-CoV: Information for Clinicians: Clinical decision-making support for treatment of MERS-CoV patients (Update check: 30/10/2019)

9. Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS-CoV): Infection Prevention and Control Guidance (Update check: 30/10/2019)

iii. Avian flu 

1. Avian influenza: guidance, data and analysis (The symptoms, diagnosis, management and epidemiology of avian influenza (bird flu). 

(See under ‘Epidemiology’ for risk assessments on specific Avian influenza types)

2. Avian influenza: guidance and algorithms for managing human cases

3. Investigation and initial clinical management of possible human cases of avian influenza viruses that have been associated with severe human disease (Update check: 30/10/2019)

4. Reporting form for suspected human cases of avian influenza  (Update check: 30/10/2019)

5. PHE Laboratory Investigations: Avian influenza A(H7) and influenza A(H5) (Update check: 30/10/2019)

h. Contact HCID including VHF (Viral Haemorrhagic Fever)

i. Clinical/ VHF risk assessment 

1. STH VHF Policy (Update check: 03/01/2020)

2. PHE Ebola virus disease: clinical management and guidance (Update check: 03/01/2020)

Guidance, resources and information for professionals about Ebola virus disease, a severe viral haemorrhagic fever (VHF)

3. Viral haemorrhagic fever: ACDP algorithm and guidance on management of patients (Update check: 03/01/2020)

Specialist guidance on the management (including infection control) of patients with viral haemorrhagic fever (VHF)

4. Management of Hazard Group 4 viral haemorrhagic fevers and similar human infectious diseases of high consequence: November 2015 (DoH) (Update check: 16/11/2018)

5. Viral haemorrhagic fevers risk assessment algorithm (Update check: 16/11/2018)

6. STH Sheffield Children's Hospital VHF Protocol (Update check: 27/02/2018)

ii. Other VHF-related guidance 

1. Ribavirin for treating Crimean Congo haemorrhagic fever (Update check: 03/01/2020)

2. Ribavirin for the treatment of Lassa fever: A systematic review and meta-analysis (Update check: 03/01/2020)

3. Post-exposure prophylaxis against Ebola virus disease with experimental antiviral agents: a case-series of health-care workers (Update check: 03/01/2020)

4. Research and Development: diagnostics, vaccines and therapies (Update check: 03/01/2020)

Solid Organ and Stem Cell Transplants

a. Hepatitis B


b. Hepatitis E




b. CMV


c. Adenovirus


d. BKV


e. Respiratory Viruses


f. EBV and PTLD


g. T-Cell Treatments

Renal Guidelines

a. Document

Solid Organ Transplants (Exc. Renal)

a. CMV


b. EBV and PTLD

JCV Testing/ PML/ Polyomavirus

a. Document

SaBTO Guidelines

a. Document

CNS Infections

a. Meningitis & Encephalitis


VHF: Laboratory Policies

a. Resources

Laboratory Management

a. Resources

Safety at Work

a. Resources

Lab Standards, Quality and Validation

a. Resources

Diagnostic Tests

a. PCR

1. Real-time PCR: Understanding Ct (Update check: 03/01/2020)

2. qPCR primer design revisited (Update check: 03/01/2020)

3. Electron microscopy in rapid viral diagnosis: an update (Update check: 03/01/2020)

b. PoCT

c. Phylogenetics

Laboratory requirements for sample processing

a. Resources

How to take a sample

a.  Resources

General Documents

a. Resources

Respiratory Viruses

Infection control guidance relevant to standard respiratory viruses (Influenza, RSV, Parainfluenzas, Adenovirus, Metapneumovirus, Rhinovirus, Coronavirus)

a. Resources

1. STH Infection Prevention and Control Policy for Respiratory Viruses

Version: V1 | Date: June, 2019 | Update check: 30/10/2019

2. STH Infection Prevention and Control - Influenza Information

Contains links to below guidance, relevant to all standard respiratory viruses Version: | Date: | Update check: 30/10/2019

b. Algorithms for Management of Respiratory Virus Infections (including Flu) for

1. Standard Wards

Version: V2 | Date: November, 2017 | Update check: 30/10/2019

2. High Risk Areas

Version: V2 | Date: November, 2017 | Update check: 30/10/2019

3. Intermediate Care Units

Version: V1 | Date: December, 2017 | Update check: 30/10/2019

4. Community Settings

Version: | Date: December, 2018 | Update check:

5. Stopping Infection Control Precautions for Patients with Group B vRTI

Version: | Date: | Update check: 16/11/2018

6. Highly Infectious Pathogens – Personal Protection Equipment: Putting on Masks Correctly, Mask Fit Test

Version: | Date: | Update check: 30/10/2019

Influenza-specific guidance

a. Infection Control

1. STH Infection Prevention and Control - Influenza Information

Version: | Date: | Update check: 30/10/2019

2. Influenza Contact Record Sheet

Version: V1 | Date: November, 2009 | Update check: 16/11/2018

3. Occupational Health Protocol for Staff with, or Exposed to Influenza

Version: | Date: December, 2017 | Update check: 16/11/2018

4. Seasonal influenza: guidance, data and analysis

The symptoms, diagnosis, management, surveillance and epidemiology of seasonal influenza (flu) Version: | Date: | Update check:

5. Seasonal influenza: guidance for adult critical care units: July 2017

Version: V1 | Date: July, 2017 | Update check: 30/10/2019

Infection Control on Neonatal Unit

a. Resources

1. STH Infection Control – Principles of Care on the Neonatal Unit

Version: 4 | Date: January, 2019 | Update check: 03/01/2020

High Consequence Infectious Diseases

a. Generic HCID Advice