a. Resources
1. Human Astroviruses (Update check: 16/01/2023)
a. Resources
1.Investigation of Cytomegalovirus Infection - UK SMI V28 Issue 4 (June 2019) Update check: 17/01/2023)
a. Resources
1. PHE national polio guidelines: Local and regional services (Update check: 16/01/2023)
2. PHE Poliomyelitis: Indications for Serological Testing ( Update check: 16/01/2023)
4. PHE Clinical management of acute flaccid paralysis/acute flaccid myelitis (AFP/AFM) (Update check: 16/01/2023)
5. Global emergence of enterovirus D68: a systematic review (Update check: 16/01/2023)
Epstein Barr Virus
a. Resources
1.Epstein-Barr Virus Serology - UK SMI V26 Issue 9 (Jan 2019) (Update check: 17/01/2023)
Hepatitis B Virus (HBV)
a. Guidelines on HBV Management
1. EASL Clinical Guidelines on the management of HBV infection (Update check: 16/01/2023)
2. PHE HBV Management (Update Check: 20/01/2023)
3. STH Guidelines for Hepatitis B screening and prophylaxis for patients requiring immunosuppressive treatment (Update check: 31/12/2019)
b. HBV Vaccination and Immunoglobulin
1. PHE Hepatitis B: guidance, data and analysis
2. Hepatitis B: the green book, chapter 18
3. Hepatitis B: Routine Childhood Immunisation Schedule (born on or after 01 Jan 2020(Update check: 16/01/2023)
4. PHE Hepatitis B immunoglobulin: July 2019 (Update check: 16/01/2023)
5. PHE Babies of Hepatitis B infected mothers: August 2008 (Update check: 16/01/2023)
6. STH Hepatitis B Immunoglobulin Requisition Form (Update check: 16/01/2023)
Hepatitis C Virus (HCV)
a. Resources
1. STH HCV Testing and Referral Guide (Update check: 20/01/2023)
2. STH Hepatitis C in pregnancy: Integrated care pathway (Update check: 20/01/2023)
3. EASL Treatment of Hepatitis C (Update check: 16/01/2023)
4. Hepatitis C Virus Post-exposure Prophylaxis in the Healthcare Worker: Why Direct-Acting Antivirals Don't Change a Thing (Update check: 16/01/2023)
a. General Information and Testing
1. STH HIV Testing in Neurology Protocol (Update check: 23/01/2023)
2. HIV infection (Update check: 16/01/2023)
3. HIV testing: encouraging uptake (Update check: 16/01/2023)
4. HIV testing: increasing uptake among people who may have undiagnosed HIV (Update check: 16/01/2023)
5. Challenges of HIV diagnosis and management in the context of PrEP, PEP, test and start and acute HIV infection: a scoping review (Update check: 16/01/2023)
b. Management
1. Guidelines for the treatment of HIV-1-positive adults with antiretroviral therapy (2022) (Update check: 16/01/2023)
2. BHIVA guidelines for the routine investigation and monitoring of adult HIV-1-positive individuals 2016 (2019 Interim Update) (Update check: 16/01/2023)
3. BHIVA and BIA guidelines for the treatment of Opportunistic Infection in HIV-seropositive Individuals C (Update check: 16/01/2023)
4. BHIVA guidelines on the use of vaccines in HIV-positive adults 2015 (Update check: 16/01/2023)
c. HIV in Pregnancy and Paediatrics
1. STH Guidelines on HIV in Pregnancy (Update check: 16/01/2023)
2. British HIV Association guidelines for the management of HIV infection in pregnant women 2018 (2020 third interim report) (Update check: 16/01/2023)
3. Paediatric European Network for Treatment of AIDS (PENTA) guidelines for treatment of paediatric HIV‐1 infection 2015: optimizing health in preparation for adult life (Update check: 16/01/2023)
d. PrEP
1. BHIVA/BASHH guidelines on the use of HIV pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) (Update check: 16/01/2023)
2. Cost-effectiveness of pre-exposure prophylaxis for HIV prevention in men who have sex with men in the UK: a modelling study and health economic evaluation (Update check: 16/01/2023)
e. HIV-2
1. BHIVA guidelines for antiretroviral treatment of HIV-2-positive individuals (Update check:16/01/2023)
HPV (Human Papilloma Virus)
a. Resources
1. Prophylactic vaccination against human papillomaviruses to prevent cervical cancer and its precursors (Update check: 16/01/2023)
2. Cytology versus HPV testing for cervical cancer screening in the general population (Update check: 16/01/2023)
3. Prevalence of cervical disease at age 20 after immunisation with bivalent HPV vaccine at age 12-13 in Scotland: retrospective population study (Update check: 16/01/2023)
4. Primary cervical screening with high risk HPV testing: observational study (Update check: 16/01/2023)
HTLV (Human T-lymphotropic virus)
a. Resources
1. HTLV-1-associated myelopathy/tropical spastic paraparesis (Update check: 16/01/2023)
2. Human T-Cell Lymphotropic Virus Type 1 (HTLV-1) and HTLV-1–Associated Myelopathy/Tropical Spastic Paraparesis (Update check: 16/01/2023)
3. How to Control HTLV-1-Associated Diseases: Preventing de Novo Cellular Infection Using Antiviral Therapy (Update check: 16/01/2023)
4. Antenatal screening for HTLV infection (Update check: 16/01/2023)
5. Options for HTLV screening with the UK Blood Services (Update check: 16/01/2023)
Herpes Simplex
a. Resources
1.STH Herpes Simplex Virus (HSV) and Varicella Zoster Virus (VSV) Monitoring and Treatment Post Transplant. (Update check: 20/01/2023)
2. STH Management of genital herpes in pregnancy (Update check: 20/01/2023)
3. Herpes Simplex Virus infection (Neonatal) (Update check: 20/01/2023)
Human Herpes Virus 6
a. Resources
1. Human Herpes Virus Type 6 (Update check: 20/01/2023)
Human Herpes Virus 7
a. Resources
1. HHV-6A, 6B and 7: Persistence in the population, epidemiology and transmission. (Update check: 20/01/2023
2. HHV-6A, 6B and 7: Pathogenesis, host response and clinical disease. (Update check: 20/01/2023)
Human Herpes Virus 8
a. Resources
1. Human Herpes Virus Type 8 (Update check: 20/01/2023)
a. Clinical Management
1. STH Infection Prevention and Control - Influenza Information (Update check: 16/01/2023)
See ‘standard respiratory virus section’ for algorithms for management in standard ward/ high risk area/ intermediate care/ community
2. Influenza Point of Care Test (POCT) Algorithm (Update check: 16/01/2023)
3. Rapid risk assessment: Influenza-associated invasive pulmonary aspergillosis (Update check: 16/01/2023)
b. Antiviral Treatment
1. Influenza: treatment and prophylaxis using anti-viral agents
Guidance on how to manage influenza (flu) using anti-viral agents
2. PHE guidance on the use of antivirals agents for the treatment and prophylaxis of seasonal influenza (Update check: 16/01/2023)
3. STH guidance on use of antiviral agents in adults for the treatment and prophylaxis of influenza in renal impairment (Update check: 16/01/2023)
4. Zanamivir Patient Medication Request Form (Update check: 23/01/2023)
5. Zanamivir Physician's Guidance (Update check: 23/01/2023)
a. Resources
1. Leptospirosis Diagnosis: Competency of Various Laboratory Tests (Update check: 16/01/2023)
Lyme Disease
a. Resources
1. NICE guideline [NG95] Lyme Disease (Update check: 16/01/2023)
a. Resources
1. STH Policy for the Management and Control of Viral Diarrhoea and Vomiting (Norovirus) (Update check: 17/01/2023)
2. PHE Guidelines for the management of norovirus outbreaks in acute and community health and social care settings (Update check: 17/01/2023)
3. Norovirus (Update check: 17/01/2023)
4. One More Step Toward Understanding the Immune Response to Norovirus (Update check: 17/01/2023)
5. Norovirus antivirals: Where are we now? (Update check:17/01/2023)
a. Resources
1. Prions: Beyond a Single Protein (Update check: 17/01/2023)
2. Public health risks from subclinical variant CJD (Update check: 17/01/2023)
3. ACDP: Guidance on Minimising transmission risk of CJD and vCJD in healthcare settings (Update check: 17/01/2023)
4. Part 3 laboratory containment and control measures (Update check: 17/01/2023)
5. Annex A1 Distribution of TSE infectivity in human tissues and body fluids (Update check: 17/01/2023)
6. Annex B Diagnostic criteria (Update check: 17/01/2023)
8. Annex D Transport of TSE infected material (Update check: 17/01/2023)
9. Annex K Guidelines for pathologists and pathology laboratories for the handling of tissues from patients with, or at risk of, CJD or vCJD (Update check: 17/01/2023)
10. Part 4 Infection prevention and control of CJD and variant CJD in healthcare and community settings (Update check: 17/01/2023)
11. CJD FAQs (Update check: 17/01/2023)
a. Resources
1. Rotavirus Infection (Update check: 17/01/2023)
2. Rotavirus: the green book, chapter 27b (Update check: 17/01/2023) )
a. Resources
1. Comprehensive Review of Human Sapoviruses (Update check: 17/01/2023)
a. Resources
1. UK national guidelines on the management of syphilis 2015 (Update check: 17/01/2023)
a. Resources
1. Epidemiology of and diagnostic strategies for toxoplasmosis (Update check: 17/01/2023)
2. Toxoplasmosis in pregnancy: prevention, screening, and treatment (Update check: 17/01/2023)
Pertussis Diagnosis Summary
a. Resources
1. Pertussis Diagnosis Summary (Update check: 17/01/2023)
2. Pertsussis - Best Practice (Update check: 20/01/2023)
Measles - Confirming Diagnosis
1. Measles: confirming diagnosis (Update check: 23/01/2023)
2. Measles - Best Practice (Update check: 20/01/2023)
Q Fever - A guide to diagnostic testing
1. Q Fever - a guide to diagnostic testing (Update check: 23/01/2023)
2. Q Fever - Best Practice (Update check: 20/01/2023)
3. ASM Journals - Q Fever (Update check: 20/01/2023)
Mycoplasma - A guide to diagnostic testing
1. Mycoplasma - a guide to diagnostic testing (Update check: 23/01/2023)
2. Mycoplasma - Best Practice (Update check: 20/01/2023)
3. ASM Journals - Mycoplasma (Update check: 20/01/2023)
Chlamydophila - Clinical information and diagnosis
1. Chlamydophila - clinical information and diagnosis (Update check: 23/01/2023)
2. Chlamydia Pneumoniae Infection - Best Practice (Update check:20/01/2023)
3. Chlamydophila Species (Update check:20/01/2023)
Varicella Zoster Virus
a. Resources
1. STH VSV Post Exposure Prophylaxis (Update check: 23/01/2023)
2. STH Management of Individuals Exposed to VSV (Update check: 23/01/2023)
3. STH Herpes Simplex Virus (HSV) and Varicella Zoster Virus (VSV) - Monitoring and Treatment post transplant. (Update check: 20/01/2023)
4. STH Varicella Zoster Infection (Neonatal) (Update check: 20/01/2023)
5. Anti-viral therapy of Varicella Zoster virus infections (Update check: 20/01/2023)
6. VSV: Persistence in the population (Update check: 20/01/2023)
Exposure Incidents
a. STH documents
1. Infection Prevention and Control Standard Precaution, Prevention of Sharps Injuries and Prevention of Exposure to Blood and Body Fluids Policy (Update check: 30/10/2019)
2. Blood and Body Fluid Exposure Incident Management Pack (Update check: 30/10/2019)
3. Community Blood Borne Virus Exposure Incidents (Emergency Department Guidance for Management of Exposure to Blood and Body Fluids) (Update check: 30/10/2019)
4. Local policy for the provision of post - exposure prophylaxis for health care workers occupationally exposed to HIV (Update check: 30/10/2019)
5. Post-Exposure Prophylaxis following Sexual Exposure (Update check: 30/10/2019)
b. Resources from Other Organisations
1. Expert Advisory Group on Aids (EAGA) guidance on HIV post-exposure prophylaxis
Updated guidance on occupational HIV post-exposure prophylaxis (PEP) from the UK Chief Medical Officers' Expert Advisory Group on AIDS (EAGA)
2. Change to recommended regimen for post-exposure prophylaxis (PEP) (EAGA) (Update check: 30/10/2019)
3. Updated recommendation for HIV post-exposure prophylaxis (PEP) following occupational exposure to a source with undetectable HIV viral load (EAGA) (Update check: 30/10/2019)
4. HIV post-exposure prophylaxis (DoH) (Update check: 30/10/2019)
5. UK Guideline for the use of HIV Post-Exposure Prophylaxis Following Sexual Exposure (PEPSE) 2015 (BASHH) (Update check: 30/10/2019)
6. Post-exposure prophylaxis guidelines for children and adolescents potentially exposed to HIV (Update check: 31/12/2019)
7. Bloodborne viruses: management risk in bomb blast victims (Update check: 30/10/2019)
Guidance on managing risk of bloodborne viruses (BBVs), such as hepatitis B, hepatitis C and HIV, in bomb blast victims
8. BBVs in healthcare workers: health clearance and management (Update check: 30/10/2019)
Guidance for health clearance of healthcare workers (HCWs) and management of those infected with bloodborne viruses (BBVs) hepatitis B, hepatitis C and HIV
Pregnancy and Neonates
a. CMV
1. STH Congenital CMV guidelines (Update check: 30/10/2019)
2. Congenital cytomegalovirus infection in pregnancy and the neonate: consensus recommendations for prevention, diagnosis, and therapy (Update check: 03/01/2020)
b. HSV
1. Management of Genital Herpes in Pregnancy (RCOG) (Update check: 30/10/2019)
2. STH Guidelines on Neonatal HSV (Update check: 03/01/2020)
3. Neonatal Herpes Simplex Viral Infections and Acyclovir: An Update (Update check: 03/01/2020)
c. Neonatal Breast Milk Exposure – Infant Receiving Wrong Mother’s Breast Milk
1. STH Guidelines on Infant Receiving Wrong Mother’s Breast Milk (Update check: 30/10/2019)
d. Rash
1. Rash in pregnancy (Update check: 30/10/2019)
Investigation, diagnosis and management of viral rash illness, or exposure to viral rash illness in pregnancy
Post-Exposure Managements
a. Generic immunoglobulin advice
1. Immunoglobulin: when to use
PHE's immunoglobulin handbook - guidance on administering immunoglobulin to prevent serious disease
2. Rabies and immunoglobulin service (RIgS) (Update check: 30/10/2019)
3. General product information and how to administer immunoglobulin: Jul 2014 (Update check: 30/10/2019)
4. Guidance on the use of Diphtheria Anti-toxin: August 2018 (Update check: 30/10/2019)
5. Mumps and immunoglobulin: October 2008 (Update check: 30/10/2019)
6. Polio immunoglobulin: October 2008 (Update check: 30/10/2019)
7. Rabies: Human Rabies Immunoglobulin (HRIG) (Update check: 30/10/2019)
b. Hepatitis A Post Exposure Management
1. PHE Hepatitis A infection: prevention and control guidance (The symptoms, diagnosis, management and epidemiology of hepatitis A.)
2. Public health control and management of Hepatitis A: 2017 Guidelines (Update check: 30/10/2019)
3. Human Normal Immunoglobulin (HNIG) for Hepatitis A Post-Exposure (Update check: 30/10/2019)
4. Hepatitis A: the green book, chapter 17 (Update check: 30/10/2019)
c. Measles Post Exposure Management
1. STH Guidance on Measles Exposures (The symptoms, diagnosis, management and epidemiology of hepatitis A.)
2. PHE National Measles Guidelines (Update check: 30/10/2019)
How to manage cases of suspected measles: what patient details to take; who to notify; assessing risk of disease spreading in close contacts
3. PHE National Measles Guidelines (Update check: 30/10/2019)
4. Measles: post-exposure prophylaxis (Update check: 30/10/2019) (Guidance on the use of post exposure prophylaxis for measles in high risk groups)
d. Rabies Post Exposure Management
1. PHE Rabies vaccine update (Update check: 03/01/2020)
2. Rabies: risk assessment, post-exposure treatment, management (Update check: 03/01/2020)
Guidance on assessing risk following rabies exposure, post-exposure treatment, and public health management of a suspected rabies case in the UK
3. Guidelines on managing rabies post-exposure: October 2019 (Update check: 30/10/2019)
4. Summary of rabies risk assessment and post-exposure treatment (Update check: 30/10/2019)
5. Rabies risks in terrestrial animals by country (Update check: 30/10/2019)
6. PHE Request form for Rabies Post Exposure Treatment (Update check: 30/10/2019)
7. Rabies: administration of vaccine and immunoglobulin (Update check: 30/10/2019)
8. Human rabies: public health management of a suspected case (Update check: 30/10/2019)
A standard operating procedure to help agencies communicate and act together, to manage any suspected case of human rabies
9. Milwaukee Protocol (Update check: 31/12/2019)
e. Herpes B Virus Post Exposure Management
1. Virology and clinical advice – see Clinical Virology (Richman, 4th ed; chapter 21)
2. Recommendations for Prevention of and Therapy for Exposure to B Virus (Cercopithecine Herpesvirus 1) (Update check: 03/01/2020)
f. Hepatitis B, HBV Vaccination and Immunoglobulin
1. PHE Hepatitis B: guidance, data and analysis
2. Hepatitis B: the green book, chapter 18
3. Hepatitis B: the green book, chapter 18 (born on/ after 1 August 2017) (Update check: 30/10/2019)
4. Hepatitis B: the green book, chapter 18 (born up to/ including 31 July 2017) (Update check: 30/10/2019)
5. PHE Hepatitis B immunoglobulin: July 2019 (Update check: 30/10/2019)
6. PHE Babies of Hepatitis B infected mothers: August 2008 (Update check: 30/10/2019)
7. PHE Babies of Hepatitis B infected mothers: August 2008 (Update check: 30/10/2019)
8. STH Hepatitis B Immunoglobulin Requisition Form (Update check: 30/10/2019)
9. STH Hepatitis B Immunoglobulin Requisition Form (Neonatal) (Update check: 16/11/2018)
10. STH Hepatitis B Immunoglobulin Requisition Form (Neonatal) (Update check: 16/11/2018)
g. Respiratory transmitted (e.g. MERS, Avian Influenza)
i. Relevant to all
1. STH Respiratory Transmitted High Consequence Infectious Diseases Policy (Update check: 30/10/2019)
2. Virus Isolation Reference Laboratory Work (VIVI009) (Update check: 30/10/2019)
ii. MERS Co-V
1. Shortcut to Action card for sending MERS CoV samples (Update check: 30/10/2019)
2. Shortcut to Virologists’ Guide to Handling MERS samples (Update check: 30/10/2019) (see appendix 6)
3. Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus (MERS-CoV): clinical management and guidance
4. Investigation and public health management of people with possible Middle East Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus (MERS CoV) infection (PHE) (Update check: 30/10/2019)
5. Referral of samples for Testing for the Middle East Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus (MERS-CoV) in England (PHE) (Update check: 30/10/2019)
6. MERS-CoV Close Contact Algorithm (PHE) (Update check: 30/10/2019)
7. PHE risk assessment of MERS-CoV (Update check: 30/10/2019)
8. Treatment of MERS-CoV: Information for Clinicians: Clinical decision-making support for treatment of MERS-CoV patients (Update check: 30/10/2019)
9. Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS-CoV): Infection Prevention and Control Guidance (Update check: 30/10/2019)
iii. Avian flu
1. Avian influenza: guidance, data and analysis (The symptoms, diagnosis, management and epidemiology of avian influenza (bird flu).
(See under ‘Epidemiology’ for risk assessments on specific Avian influenza types)
2. Avian influenza: guidance and algorithms for managing human cases
3. Investigation and initial clinical management of possible human cases of avian influenza viruses that have been associated with severe human disease (Update check: 30/10/2019)
4. Reporting form for suspected human cases of avian influenza (Update check: 30/10/2019)
5. PHE Laboratory Investigations: Avian influenza A(H7) and influenza A(H5) (Update check: 30/10/2019)
h. Contact HCID including VHF (Viral Haemorrhagic Fever)
i. Clinical/ VHF risk assessment
1. STH VHF Policy (Update check: 03/01/2020)
2. PHE Ebola virus disease: clinical management and guidance (Update check: 03/01/2020)
Guidance, resources and information for professionals about Ebola virus disease, a severe viral haemorrhagic fever (VHF)
3. Viral haemorrhagic fever: ACDP algorithm and guidance on management of patients (Update check: 03/01/2020)
Specialist guidance on the management (including infection control) of patients with viral haemorrhagic fever (VHF)
4. Management of Hazard Group 4 viral haemorrhagic fevers and similar human infectious diseases of high consequence: November 2015 (DoH) (Update check: 16/11/2018)
5. Viral haemorrhagic fevers risk assessment algorithm (Update check: 16/11/2018)
6. STH Sheffield Children's Hospital VHF Protocol (Update check: 27/02/2018)
ii. Other VHF-related guidance
1. Ribavirin for treating Crimean Congo haemorrhagic fever (Update check: 03/01/2020)
2. Ribavirin for the treatment of Lassa fever: A systematic review and meta-analysis (Update check: 03/01/2020)
3. Post-exposure prophylaxis against Ebola virus disease with experimental antiviral agents: a case-series of health-care workers (Update check: 03/01/2020)
4. Research and Development: diagnostics, vaccines and therapies (Update check: 03/01/2020)
Solid Organ and Stem Cell Transplants
a. Hepatitis B
1. STH Guidelines for Hepatitis B screening and prophylaxis for patients requiring immunosuppressive treatment(Update check: 31/12/2019)
2. British Transplantation Society Guidelines for HBV and SOT(Update check: 03/01/2020)
b. Hepatitis E
1. STH Virology Guidance on Chronic HEV
2. Summary of the British Transplantation Society UK Guidelines for Hepatitis E and Solid Organ Transplantation (Update check: 31/12/2019)
3. Hepatitis E (HEV) and Solid Organ Transplantation (Update check: 03/01/2020)
4. EASL Clinical Practice Guidelines on hepatitis E virus infection(Update check: 03/01/2020)
1. STH Guidelines: Herpes Simplex Virus (HSV) and Varicella Zoster Virus (VZV) Monitoring and Treatment Post Transplant (Update check: 30/10/2019)
b. CMV
1. STH Guidelines: Screening and treatment for cytomegalovirus (CMV) post allogeneic haemopoietic cell transplant (Update check: 30/10/2019)
2. Definitions of Cytomegalovirus Infection and Disease in Transplant Patients for Use in Clinical Trials (Update check: 03/01/2020)
3. Absolute Lymphocyte Count: A Predictor of Recurrent Cytomegalovirus Disease in Solid Organ Transplant Recipients (Update check: 03/01/2020)
4. Management of cytomegalovirus infection in haemopoietic stem cell transplantation (Update check: 03/01/2020)
5. A Randomized, Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled Phase 3 Trial of Oral Brincidofovir for Cytomegalovirus Prophylaxis in Allogeneic Hematopoietic Cell Transplantation (Update check: 03/01/2020)
c. Adenovirus
1. Adenovirus infections in immunocompetent and immunocompromised patients (Update check: 31/12/2019)
2. European guidelines for diagnosis and treatment of adenovirus infection in leukemia and stem cell transplantation: summary of ECIL‐4 (Update check: 31/12/2019)
d. BKV
1. STH Guidelines Management of BK Polyoma Virus Infection Post Stem Cell Transplant (Update check: 30/10/2019)
2. ECIL guidelines for the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of BK polyomavirus-associated haemorrhagic cystitis in haematopoietic stem cell transplant recipients (Update check: 03/01/2020)
3. Efficacy of Cidofovir in Treatment of BK Virus–Induced Hemorrhagic Cystitis in Allogeneic Hematopoietic Cell Transplant Recipients (Update check: 03/01/2020)
4. Comparison of intravenous or intravesical cidofovir in the treatment of BK polyomavirus‐associated hemorrhagic cystitis following adult allogeneic stem cell transplantation—A systematic review (Update check: 03/01/2020)
e. Respiratory Viruses
1. Fourth European Conference on Infections in Leukaemia (ECIL-4): guidelines for diagnosis and treatment of human respiratory syncytial virus, parainfluenza virus, metapneumovirus, rhinovirus, and coronavirus (Update check: 03/01/2020)
2. Management of Respiratory Viral Infections in Hematopoietic Cell Transplant Recipients and Patients With Hematologic Malignancies (Update check: 03/01/2020)
3. STH Guidelines on Treatment for Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV) (Update check: 30/10/2019)
f. EBV and PTLD
1. Management of Epstein-Barr Virus infections and post-transplant lymphoproliferative disorders in patients after allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation: ECIL-6 guidelines (Update check: 03/01/2020)
g. T-Cell Treatments
1. Antiviral T Cells for Adenovirus in the Pretransplant Period: A Bridge Therapy for Severe Combined Immunodeficiency (Update check: 31/12/2019)
2. Viral-specific T-cell transfer from HSCT donor for the treatment of viral infections or diseases after HSCT (Update check: 03/01/2020)
Renal Guidelines
a. Document
1. Blood-borne virus infection: prevention and control (Good practice guidelines for renal dialysis/transplantation units on the prevention and control of BBV)
2. Good Practice Guidelines for Renal Dialysis/Transplantation Units (DoH) (Update check: 30/10/2019)
3. Good Practice Guideline: Addendum (Update check: 30/10/2019)
4. Management of BK Virus Reactivation in Renal Transplant Recipients (Update check: 30/10/2019)
5. Pretransplantation Donor–Recipient Pair Seroreactivity Against BK Polyomavirus Predicts Viremia and Nephropathy After Kidney Transplantation (Update check: 03/01/2020)
6. Protocol for prophylaxis, surveillance and treatment of CMV after renal transplantation (Update check: 30/10/2019)
7. Guidelines for the Prevention and Control of Blood Borne Virus Infections in Adult Patients with Chronic Kidney Disease (Update check: 30/10/2019)
Solid Organ Transplants (Exc. Renal)
a. CMV
1. The Third International Consensus Guidelines on the Management of Cytomegalovirus in Solid-organ Transplantation (Update check: 03/01/2020)
2. The Prevention and Management of CMV Disease after Solid Organ Transplantation (Update check: 03/01/2020)
b. EBV and PTLD
1. Diagnosis of post-transplant lymphoproliferative disorder in solid organ transplant recipients – BCSH and BTS Guidelines (Update check: 03/01/2020)
2. Management of post-transplant lymphoproliferative disorder in adult solid organ transplant recipients – BCSH and BTS Guidelines (Update check: 03/01/2020)
JCV Testing/ PML/ Polyomavirus
a. Document
1. Stratification and monitoring of natalizumab-associated PML risk: recommendations from an expert group (Update check: 03/01/2020)
2. JC virus antibody index in natalizumab-treated patients: correlations with John Cunningham virus DNA and C-reactive protein level (Update check: 03/01/2020)
Molecular biology, epidemiology, and pathogenesis of progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy, the JC virus-induced demyelinating disease of the human brain (Update check: 03/01/2020)
Infectious Complications of Multiple Sclerosis Therapies: Implications for Screening, Prophylaxis, and Management (Update check: 03/01/2020)
The trichodysplasia spinulosa-associated polyomavirus: virological background and clinical implications (Update check: 03/01/2020)
SaBTO Guidelines
a. Document 2. SaBTO microbiological safety guidelines (Update check: 31/12/2019) 3. Summary of major changes to guidelines (Update check: 03/01/2020) 4. Protecting patients from getting hepatitis E through transfusion or transplantation (Update check: 31/12/2019) 5. Organ donation and seasonal flu (Update check: 31/12/2019) 6. West Nile virus and solid organ transplantation (Update check: 31/12/2019) 7. Risk assessment of the transmission of vCJD by blood components (Update check: 31/12/2019) 8. Fertility problems: assessment and treatment (Update check: 31/12/2019)
CNS Infections
a. Meningitis & Encephalitis BIA Management of suspected viral encephalitis in adults (Update check: 30/10/2019) BIA Management of suspected viral encephalitis in children (Update check: 30/10/2019) BIA diagnosis and management of acute meningitis and meningococcal sepsis in immunocompetent adults (Update check: 30/10/2019) Lymphocytic choriomeningitis virus: An under-recognized cause of neurologic disease in the fetus, child, and adult (Update check: 31/12/2019)
a. Resources
2. Aciclovir therapeutic levels (Update check: 03/01/2020)
3. Ganciclovir therapeutic levels (Update check: 03/01/2020)
4. New therapies for human cytomegalovirus infections (Update check: 03/01/2020)
a. Resources
1. Green Book homepage: Immunisation against infectious disease (Update check: 03/01/2020)
3. Shingles: the green book, chapter 28a (Update check: 30/10/2019)
4. PHE Influenza Immunisation Guidance (Update check: 03/01/2020)
5. Flu vaccines: 2019 to 2020 flu season (Update check: 03/01/2020)
Influenza Antiviral Treatment
a. Resources
1. Influenza: treatment and prophylaxis using anti-viral agents Guidance on how to manage influenza (flu) using anti-viral agents
2. PHE guidance on the use of antivirals agents for the treatment and prophylaxis of seasonal influenza (Update check: 30/10/2019)
3. PHE document on evidence for treatment: The use of antivirals for the treatment and prophylaxis of influenza: PHE summary of current guidance for healthcare professionals (Update check: 30/10/2019)
4. Public Health England (PHE) Letter to Clinicians about Tamiflu (Update check: 30/10/2019)
5. STH guidance on use of antiviral agents in adults for the treatment and prophylaxis of influenza in renal impairment (Update check: 30/10/2019)
6. Zanamivir Patient Medication Request Form (Update check: 30/10/2019)
7. Zanamivir Physician's Guidance (Update check: 30/10/2019)
VHF: Laboratory Policies
a. Resources
1. Sample action cards for suspected VHF for NGH/ areas other than E floor (Update check: 03/01/2020)
2. Sample action cards for suspected VHF for E floor (Update check: 03/01/2020)
3. STH Virology Medics VHF Pack (Update check: 03/01/2020)
4. Laboratory algorithm for the handling of specimens for suspected/ confirmed VHF cases (Update check: 03/01/2020)
5. STH LMCP049 Laboratory Procedures for Handling Specimens from Patients at Risk of Infection with Category 4 Viruses (Update check: 16/11/2018)
Laboratory Management
a. Resources
1. RCPath Key performance indicators – proposals for implementation (Update check: 03/01/2020)
2. RCPath How to Assess the Quality of a Pathology Service (Update check: 03/01/2020)
3. Report of the Review of NHS Pathology Services in England (Update check: 03/01/2020)
4. RCPath Response to Carter Review (Update check: 03/01/2020)
5. The Modernisation of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine in the UK: Networking into the Future (Update check: 03/01/2020)
6. Health and Social Care Act 2012: fact sheets (Update check: 03/01/2020)
7. Wilson Criteria for Screening (Update check: 03/01/2020)
Safety at Work
a. Resources
1. HSE &ACDP Approved List of Biological Agents (Update check: 03/01/2020)
2. HSE & ACDP Management and operation of microbiological containment laboratories (Update check: 03/01/2020)
3. Health and Safety at Work etc. Act 1974 (Update check: 03/01/2020)
4. Reporting accidents and incidents at work (RIDDOR) (Update check: 03/01/2020)
5. Control of substances hazardous to health regulations 2002 (Update check: 03/01/2020)
6. The Health and Safety (Safety Signs and Signals) Regulations 1996 (Update check: 03/01/2020)
7. Transporting infectious substances (Update check: 03/01/2020)
8. Guidelines for the Safe Transport of Infectious Substances & Diagnostic Specimens (Update check: 03/01/2020)
Lab Standards, Quality and Validation
a. Resources
1.International Organization for Standardization (ISO) 15189 (Update check: 03/01/2020)
2. UK Standards for Microbiology Investigations Q 1: evaluations, validations and verifications of diagnostic tests (Update check: 03/01/2020)
3. UK Standards for Microbiology Investigations Q 2: quality assurance in the diagnostic virology and serology laboratory (Update check: 03/01/2020)
4. Basic overview of method validation in the clinical virology laboratory (Update check: 03/01/2020)
5. Westgard Rules (Update check: 03/01/2020)
Diagnostic Tests
a. PCR
1. Real-time PCR: Understanding Ct (Update check: 03/01/2020)
2. qPCR primer design revisited (Update check: 03/01/2020)
3. Electron microscopy in rapid viral diagnosis: an update (Update check: 03/01/2020)
b. PoCT
1. Point of Care Tests for Influenza and other Respiratory Viruses (Update check: 03/01/2020)
2. Point-of-care testing: why is accreditation of this service needed? (Update check: 03/01/2020)
3. What's Old Is New Again: Laboratory Oversight of Point of Care Testing—Guidelines, Challenges, and Practical Strategies (Update check: 03/01/2020)
4. Rapid point of care diagnostic tests for viral and bacterial respiratory tract infections--needs, advances, and future prospects (Update check: 03/01/2020)
c. Phylogenetics
1. Phylogeny for the faint of heart: a tutorial (Update check: 03/01/2020)
2. Introduction to Phylogenetic Analysis - Irit Orr (Update check: 03/01/2020)
Laboratory requirements for sample processing
a. Resources
1. Minimum Standards for Sample Acceptance
2. Refrigeration of clinical samples in Primary Care
How to take a sample
a. Resources
General Documents
a. Resources
2. Virology summary of guidelines for IPC in hospitals/ schools
3. STH PPE Levels Guide (Update check: 30/10/2019)
4. STH Infection Control Isolation Precautions & Patient Placement Guidelines (Update check: 03/01/2020)
5. STH Cleaning Types (RAG) Poster (Update check: 03/01/2020)
6. STH Outbreak Control Plan (Update check: 03/01/2020)
Respiratory Viruses
Infection control guidance relevant to standard respiratory viruses (Influenza, RSV, Parainfluenzas, Adenovirus, Metapneumovirus, Rhinovirus, Coronavirus)
a. Resources
1. STH Infection Prevention and Control Policy for Respiratory Viruses
Version: V1 | Date: June, 2019 | Update check: 30/10/2019
2. STH Infection Prevention and Control - Influenza Information
Contains links to below guidance, relevant to all standard respiratory viruses Version: | Date: | Update check: 30/10/2019
b. Algorithms for Management of Respiratory Virus Infections (including Flu) for
Version: V2 | Date: November, 2017 | Update check: 30/10/2019
Version: V2 | Date: November, 2017 | Update check: 30/10/2019
Version: V1 | Date: December, 2017 | Update check: 30/10/2019
Version: | Date: December, 2018 | Update check:
5. Stopping Infection Control Precautions for Patients with Group B vRTI
Version: | Date: | Update check: 16/11/2018
Version: | Date: | Update check: 30/10/2019
Influenza-specific guidance
a. Infection Control
1. STH Infection Prevention and Control - Influenza Information
Version: | Date: | Update check: 30/10/2019
2. Influenza Contact Record Sheet
Version: V1 | Date: November, 2009 | Update check: 16/11/2018
3. Occupational Health Protocol for Staff with, or Exposed to Influenza
Version: | Date: December, 2017 | Update check: 16/11/2018
4. Seasonal influenza: guidance, data and analysis
The symptoms, diagnosis, management, surveillance and epidemiology of seasonal influenza (flu) Version: | Date: | Update check:
5. Seasonal influenza: guidance for adult critical care units: July 2017
Version: V1 | Date: July, 2017 | Update check: 30/10/2019
Infection Control on Neonatal Unit
a. Resources
1. STH Infection Control – Principles of Care on the Neonatal Unit
Version: 4 | Date: January, 2019 | Update check: 03/01/2020
High Consequence Infectious Diseases
a. Generic HCID Advice
1. ISTH HCID assessment algorithm
2. STH Outbreak Control Plan (Update check: 03/01/2020)
3. PHE HCID Web Page (Update check: 03/01/2020)
4. STH PPE Levels Guide (Update check: 30/10/2019)
5.High Consequence Infectious Disease Training UK - ( (Update Check 13/01/2023)